Our Programme

Schedule, speakers, workshops and topics are subject to change


0800 - 0830 Registration // Lobby

0830 - 0845 President’s Welcome - Dr Jessie Liu, and Overview of Asian Health Services in NZ - Grace Ryu // Rimu 2

0845 - 0945 Keynote Speech - AI in Primary care. Dr Karl Cole // Rimu 2

0945 - 1015 Morning Tea // Lobby



Morning Sessions (1015 - 1215)

Concurrent Workshops (Rimu 3):
Minor Surgery (1015 - 1115) - Mr Stanley Loo and Mr Simon Chong
MRI and X-Ray Interpretation (1115 - 1215) - TBA

Concurrent Stream: Medical // Rimu 2

1015 - 1035 Scar and Keloid Management in Asian People. Ms Katarzyna Mackenzie

1035 - 1055 The Knee Joint, a GP Perspective in the Age of AI. Mr Ali Bayan

1055 - 1115 Cardiology in the AI Era. Dr Andrew To

1115 - 1135 The Future of AI in General Surgery - Is it Really Coming? Mr Michael Chu

1135 - 1155 Chronic Hepatitis B: When to Treat. Dr Derek Luo

1155 - 1215 Dental AI and Technology. Dr Jacky Lam

Concurrent Stream: Allied Health // Rimu 1

1015 - 1035 From Diagnosis to Treatment: Leveraging Technology and AI in Modern Healthcare Practices. Sam Jacobs

1035 - 1055 eCALD Overview for Health Practitioners. Dulani Abeyasinghe

1055 - 1115 Integrated Health and Social Care Service Delivery. Vishal Rishi and Astha Machra

1115 - 1135 Staying Connected: The Challenges and Opportunities Associated with the Aging Population in the Asian Community. Jessica Ma

1135 - 1155 Capsule Endoscopy, Fibroscan and Dietetics. Rachel Li and Elaine Chong

1155 - 1215 How We can Use Apps and Digital Solutions to Improve the Health of Our Patients. Janine Bycroft and Sandra Ponen

1215 - 1315 Buffet lunch, served in the Acacia Restaurant // Lobby

Afternoon Sessions (1315 - 1515)

Concurrent Workshops (Rimu 3):
Vaccinations and the Asian Community (1315 - 1355) - Vicky Chan and Chris Leung
Phlebotomy and IV Luers (1355 - 1435) -
Cindy Fang and Lisa Ye
Wound Care and Sterilizer Education (1435 - 1515) -
Cindy Fang and Lisa Ye

Concurrent Stream: Medical // Rimu 2

1315 - 1335 Engaging our Asian Communities in Bowel Screening - One Size Does Not Fit All. Dr Maggie Chapman-Ow

1335 - 1355 The Future of Robotic Surgery in Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery: A New Frontiner. Mr Andrew Cho

1355 - 1415 Mental Health Care in the Tech and AI Age. Dr King Yee Yong

1415 - 1435 Diabetes and Continuous Glucose Monitoring Devices. Dr Ole Schmiedel

1435 - 1455 Aim for the Trifecta: Managing the Side Effects of Prostate Cancer Treatment. Mr Vincent Chan

1455 - 1515 Geriatrics, Robots and AI. Dr Yu-Min Lin

Concurrent Stream: Allied Health // Rimu 1

1315 - 1335 Technology advancement in primary care - are we on the verge of turning a corner? Puneet Saini

1335 - 1355 Experiences of Chinese Users of Mental Health Care in NZ. Denzel Chung

1355 - 1415 Public Health Care and Community Partnership: The Impact of Community Health Screenings on Health Knowledge and Outcomes. Cindy Pak and Jiarong Yap

1415 - 1435 Insulin pump therapy and Continuous Glucose Monitoring. Stephanie Zhang

1435 - 1455 Macular Degeneration NZ – Raising Awareness and Providing Education and Support for Those Living with Macular Degeneration and their Families in our Asian Communities. Phillippa Pitcher and Ruth Kuo

1455 - 1515 The Future of Asian Health: Leveraging Technology and AI for Enhanced Wellbeing in Aotearoa. Kelly Feng and Ivan Yeo

1515 - 1545 Afternoon Tea // Lobby

1545 - 1645 Keynote Speech - Just how smart is AI? Dr Narun Pat // Rimu 2

1645 - 1700 Conclusion - Dr Jessie Liu // Rimu 2

Dinner at Cypress Restaurant, Mt Eden (1800)