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ACMA Comedy Funday Sunday

Comedy Funday Sunday!

ACMA has a fun-filled afternoon planned with three different events!

Sign-up here before June 18

Family Picnic and Board Games

1300 - 1500. Relax in the leafy surroundings of Western Park Ponsonby. ACMA will be providing board games, snacks, and refreshments. Games include Pictionary, Scrabble, Monopoly, and the medical classic, Operation.

Rain venue Ponsonby International Food Hall



Sunday Giggles + Improvisation Workshop

1530 - 1630. This is the Covert Theatre’s show for the whole family. Grab your whanau and come along for a Sunday afternoon giggle. Fun improv comedy that is appropriate for all ages (from 4 years and up).

YACMA students, ACMA partners and family members pay just $6.12 per person. Book direct here.

ACMA will be giving away free tickets to the first ten ACMA members (two tickets per family).

SIGN UP FOR TICKETS BEFORE 18th JUNE. Entries open 29th May.

1630-1730. Want to give improv a go without signing up a course? Want a little more fun in your life?

This is your opportunity to dip your toe into the wonderful world of improvisation. It is your chance to ‘peak behind the curtain’ at the Covert and dip your toe into the wonderful world of improvisation. Run by experienced improv teachers, it is a safe learning environment where you get to experience first-hand how the art of improvisation helps your creative thinking, being present, collaboration skills and so much more.

Open to all ages. Koha entry.